Wednesday 14 May 2014

Narrative Structure

The good guys and the bad guys base the plotlines in most of the superhero films, with the good guys obviously being superior. This complex is age old, spreading across other genres such as Western, with the classic western standoffs, as well as Sci-Fi, and even Romance/Rom-Com’s. Where all stories have conflict, that of the Superhero genre attempts to try and connect with the younger generation where the good guys always win, giving the positive impression of the moral highground owned by the superhero and creating a role model. The idea of a role model is a common recurrence in public discourse (Gauntlett, 2008). The name relates to ‘someone to look up to’, and someone of which you could base your character, and aspirations upon. In real life, there have been many newspaper articles and reports which have related real life celebrities as being role models, though not always positive ones, such as Victoria Beckham giving a positive impression relating to pregnancy, not always being the best intention toward teenage girls.

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